How to read the bible…
In the Bible there are many records of the Truth spoken by Holy men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit…So what to do when it seems as if there is a contradiction. There is One Author and we have many accounts of the same events from eye witnesses and faithful men who have kept the Holy Record True.
You and I may be sitting in a field and a tree fall. Then afterwards, we go our separate ways and then describe the events of the tree falling in the field. Our stories will not be the exact same even though we were both there and seen the same event. Listen to one such event found in the pages of the New Testament of Christ which is the New Agreement between God and creation.
So, in the instance of the betrayal of Judas of Jesus…we find these facts each from a different account and we must harmonize them because all the words are true from different eye witness accounts…
Mat 26:51 ASV And behold, one of them that were with Jesus stretched out his hand, and drew his sword, and smote the servant of the high priest, and struck off his ear.
Truth of the facts…One of Jesus disciples stretched out his hand…smote the servant of the High Priest…with a sword and cut off his ear.
Mar 14:47 ASV But a certain one of them that stood by drew his sword, and smote the servant of the high priest, and struck off his ear.
Truth of the facts…One of Jesus disciples stretched out his hand…smote the servant of the High Priest…with a sword and cut off his ear.
Luk 22:50 ASV And a certain one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and struck off his right ear.
Truth of the facts…one of the followers of Jesus struck the High Priest’s servant and cut off his right ear.
Joh 18:10 ASV Simon Peter therefore having a sword drew it, and struck the high priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. Now the servant's name was Malchus.
Truth of the facts…We find the servant is Peter and the servant of the High Priest who had his right ear cut off name was Malchus…
So when we have all the accounts of the Truth and examine all the Truth of the facts we learn the one event was described with different details which do not change the event or make it not true but better describe the who, what, when, where…
So we learn in this scene…Peter who had a sword…smote the High Priest servant with the sword…Peter cut off Malchus right ear…but we had to read four different accounts of the record to pull together all the details which do not contradict.
Father…please help us discern the truth so we can know what to do to be right with You…in Jesus of Nazareth’s name amen.
Try…A…Daily Pause for Prayer and Devotional a Wellsaid Christian Devotional about the teachings of Jesus…
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