Hey, have you ever heard of karma or reaping what you sow? If you do good, then good happens to you if you do bad then bad happens to do you? Do you want better? We get what we give…
Listen to what is written to Christians through inspiration of the Holy Spirit found written in the New Testament of Christ which is the new agreement between God and mankind…
…but this I say he was so sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he was so bountifully shall reap also bountifully...commonly called karma...Jesus said the second commandment…2nd to the 1st… you should love God with all your heart mind soul spirit and strength is to love your neighbor as yourself…to treat others as you would like to be treated. Listen to what is written to Christians as instructions to live by…
…advice to heed…with good service…with goodwill service as to Jesus…as to the Lord and not to men knowing that whatsoever good thing any man does the same shall he receive of the Lord whether he be bond or free…whether he be a slave to others or free men in Christ.
If you treat others like Jesus…your treatment will be returned blessed back on your head! Jesus said is more blessed to give than to receive. If you treat others like a baby…like pretend they are baby Jesus…asking what does baby need? What can I do for baby to help baby? Then you will be helped, and your needs will be met…
This life is cruel but don't let it make you bitter, let it make you better. Someone burned a bridge for you build one for your children…treat others like yourself. Jesus says don't even come worship him unless you've made it right with your brother…if you'd done him a wrong deed…then go make peace and reconcile…Jesus says if you love me keep my commandments and his commandments are not hard to do, you're supposed to love your neighbor as yourself and God with all your heart mind soul spirit and strength. Do as much good as you can think of today. Help as many people as you can today. Say a word of encouragement…give a compliment…a smile. Perhaps, today say a prayer for your enemies they might find repentance and salvation…Jesus says we cannot be forgiven unless we forgive others…so I forgive all created…got no limits for forgiveness but limit my presence in your lives…forgive and you will be forgiven…blessed are the merciful for they will obtain mercy…
Jesus’ instruction was to watch and pray in his parable of the virgins…to be prepared to watch and pray for we know not when he's coming. Jesus said that his coming will be like lightning…what is it with lightning? Everyone that sees lightning knows it's unpredictable. It can happen at any time but when lightning strikes or flashes everyone sees but no one can predict. Jesus is coming soon are you prepared? Are you watching? Are you praying? Are you doing God's will? If you died right now, then would you go to heaven? Yes or no?
Jesus in the parable of the prodigal son basically said don't matter what you done son just come home... It is written in the book of Hebrews that Jesus can save us to the uttermost of our existence... In 1 Corinthians 10:13…we're told that there's a temptation in trial that is common to every man and that no trial or temptation that has come upon us is not common to others. We are not alone in this…other people have been tempted with what we are being tempted with… In John's revelation there is the hour of temptation that all men must face, except the one spared and if you believe Jesus is coming soon then you must know there will be temptations…there will be trials…but Jesus says through inspiration of the Holy Spirit to the Corinthians…There will be no trial or temptation greater than you can endure but with the trial and temptation God will be faithful and make a way of escape that you may be able to endure…survive it… Will you repent…change your heart…mind…direction and turn towards Jesus? Yes or no? Let him be your only source you cannot sit at other tables and serve Jesus. Jesus has to be first place in your heart He doesn't want to be in your heart…He wants to own your heart…He wants to rule your heart…He wants to give you peace and satisfaction for your soul…So that you can rest from doing evil and do the most good you can do! Does this sound like good news to you?
The Jesus of Nazareth the only Fathered of our Creator as it is written…for God so loved the world…our Creator so loved the world that he gave his only begotten his only Fathered Son…the only human he created through a virgin by overshadowing her with the Holy Spirit…providing the man's part of the DNA Mary providing the woman's part of the DNA and Jesus being made perfect remained uncorruptible and never violated never did a wrong thing never violated the commandments of God. Being God, the only God became a Son of Man…the only qualified One sent to save us from our evil deeds. God showing there is nothing He will not do to reconcile with you if you will just live in the fear and truth of God and do His goodwill...Jesus lived under the law of the knowledge of good and evil taught to us by the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob which became the Jewish people. In the Jewish law…Jesus grew up under this law of the knowledge of good and evil and he never broke one of the 10 commandments which is the minimum requirements of any Jew.
Jesus being God's only Son remained obedient all the way unto death and became the Author of salvation to all those that obeyed Him…Jesus the Christ of Nazareth died on the cross was raised three days later so you could never choose evil again. So that you could do the right thing always…So all your wrong things or evil deeds may be forgiven…reconciled…redeemed…according to the goodwill of a God our Creator who is the Father of mercies…Jesus is the Truth…the Life…and the Way of Salvation…Have you asked the Author of Salvation to write you a plan of salvation, redemption and reconciliation with God our Creator? Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive...to forgive or not be forgiven…blessed are the merciful…treat others as you want to be treated…to give out to other what you would receive…doing no evil and remaining faithful and harmless as a dove…preparing for the marriage of eternity with Jesus…watching…praying for our enemies to repent and obey the God of gods Jesus the Christ of Nazareth…before it is everlasting to late and they be sentenced unto hell forever more…to be tormented with the hottest fires ever created to torment the soul with everlasting destruction…even so Lord Jesus come…Amen.
