So yesterday I talked about you were one of three kingdoms: you're either in man's Kingdom who does not believe in God or evil, or you're in satans kingdom and know you're doing evil, or you in Christ Kingdom where there's no reason to do a wrong thing. Jesus and Nazareth is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords and the God of gods… Jesus died on the cross and was raised three days later… so you never have to choose the wrong thing and so all your wrong things could be forgiven… there is no reason to choose wrong over right. It's always right to do the right thing and it's always wrong to do the wrong thing… Jesus took care of every excuse: so that you would never have to do evil or wrong thing and so that you could choose all the good you could think of to do. Do you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross was raised from the dead three days later yes or no?
Hear the words of Jesus… Jesus said except you be converted as a little child you cannot enter into heaven... Meaning we're just children in diapers before God. We are trying to learn how to feed ourselves, clothe ourselves, and not do a wrong thing and be harmless as doves.
Jesus also said you cannot enter into heaven unless you've been born of the water in the spirit… and he that believes in his baptized will be saved and he that does not believe will be damned… meaning and if you do not believe Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead you have no hope of heaven and are destined for hell. Hell is the place of the hottest fires ever created where sinners…those that do evil are tortured with the hottest fires ever created and burned with the hottest fires and never consumed forever. It is eternal destruction with Hellfire.
Jesus message to his people while he was here on the earth was repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is very near… repentance is started with godly sorrow which results in a change of heart, a change of mind or a decision to do better that results in a change in direction… will you choose not to do evil and let Jesus teach you how to do right Mat 11:28-30? Yes or no?
Do you want to go to heaven? Heaven is a place and if you do not decide to go there you will never make it by happen chance other than to be judged and sentenced to eternal life with God or eternal destruction. Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. Have you obeyed Jesus the author of salvation and believed in his resurrection after his death and been baptized for the remission of your sins yes or no? Do you still believe in your baptism? Yes or no?
Peter one of his Apostles inspired by the Holy Spirit, Used the promise given him alone in Matthew 16… whatever he binds and looses in heaven and earth will be bound and loosed in heaven and earth… stood up on the day of Pentecost and said these words… to those that have believed they killed Jesus and that he was the one sent to save them when they asked Peter what shall we do (to be saved) he responded with these words:
repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit for the promise is unto you to your children and to all those that are a far off even as many as the Lord our God shall call… He loosed all prior conditions of salvation and bound those requirements where the promise to anyone who obeys. Will you be baptized into Christ have your name written in the lambs book of life in heaven? Will you receive eternal life and wash away your sins calling on the name of the Lord Acts 22:16? Yes or no?
Father please meet our souls deepest needs heal our souls deepest wounds and may we prosper and be in health as our soul prospers never choosing evil and always choosing right over wrong in Jesus and Nazareth name Amen.
