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Be a man…real men talk…truth…for real

Ben Stewart

Be a man…real men talk…truth…for real

Honesty is the best policy…

How do I know what you saying…if you lie…

The worse part of hearing a lie is then I cannot trust you…

The truth does not mind being questioned…

The truth stands for itself…

The truth stands alone…just like the past…cannot be changed…

Why lie to self?

If you tell the truth then you do not have to remember your lies…

Practice your truth…the truth of you…

Do not become a lie…

Tell the truth to self in your heart…

Tell the truth and it sets you free from fighting the lie…

Real men…speak truth…and keep their word…

If you swear to your own hurt then change not…

Make your promises few…but keep them faithfully…

Even Jesus said swear not at all but let your yes be yes…and your no…no.

Practice being the man God wants you to be…honest and trustworthy…

Real men…real…talk…real…truth…practice the truth of you…

If you lie then then how will others trust you with the truth…

If you lie to self…self lives a lie…no lie is of the truth…

If you tell the truth then your problems get smaller…

Light dispels darkness and truth is light and lies are darkness…

Truth revealed is sweet to a mystery…

Truth be told…always…

Best a man can do is what is right after the truth is revealed…

Leave the liar and follow the truth…

Hunger and thirst after righteousness…and you will be filled…

Jesus is the life…the way…the truth…

…you ask…seek…knock…then wait…


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