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Apply the laws of God with the mercy of God in good faith…

Ben Stewart

Apply the laws of God with the mercy of God in good faith…

Jesus talking to the religious leaders of his day said as it is written warning until you scribes those that made copies the law and Pharisees those that really preached the law, you pay tithe 10% of mint and anise and cummin and have admitted the weightier matters of the law… judgment, mercy, faith, these thoughts you have done and not to leave the other undone…

How many of you know every law in your state? How many would like to be warned before they're punished… these Pharisees were warned these scribes were warned. They were told they were worried about how much money they give instead of treating people right. How many of you ever been like I don't know I don't want to hear his opinion on the matter he always would send me to hell?

We are to be about God's law about what is judgment would be about showing mercy instead of punishment about warning people…I mean God warns us before he punishes us right shouldn't we do at least the same…

Jesus said blessed are the merciful when they shall obtain mercy if you're in a position of judgment you better show mercy or you will have no mercy… Jesus said blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they will be filled… do you really want what's right with God or are you just trying to make a paycheck?

Pray with me

Father we pray that You would help us to apply the law of You with the mercy of You that we might have proper judgment and that we might be merciful that we might be shown mercy in Jesus of Nazareth name Amen


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