After baptism then what…part 2…
Listen to some instructions given to the Roman Christians some of which had lost their faith and had been reminded in chapter 6…they had been baptized in the Christ. Reminded in chapter 8 of the promises found in Christ and reminded in chapter 10 that if they still believe in their heart confess with their mouths they will be saved. Listen to some basic instructions after baptism then what…found in Romans chapter 12…
for I say through the grace that was given me to every man that is among, you are not to think more highly than he ought to think of himself but to think as soberly according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith. All of us have the ability to believe and obey God…there are those that do not choose to obey. There are those of us that knows God always provides us a way to be faithful and abide in the truth.
…and having different gifts according to the grace or the unmerited favors, that was given to us whether it be truth telling or prophecy…let us prophecy or tell forth the truth, according to the proportion of our faith or in serving or in ministry, let us give ourselves to servitude or ministry… he that teachings to his teachings or he that encourages to the exhortation he that gives so let him do so with liberality…he that rules with diligence…he that shows mercy with cheerfulness…and everything you do be an example to others and be like Christ…
…verse 9 let love be without hypocrisy or love works no ill will, abhor that which is evil cleave to that which is good, turn from the evil, the wrong doer, and leave the liar…abide in truth, in love of the brethren and tenderly affection, in honor preferring each other, in diligence not slothful, fervent in spirit…serving the Lord…knowing whatever job you do you're doing it for Jesus, rejoice in hope, be patient tribulation, continually steadfastly in prayer…whatever you do pray about it, communicating to the needs of the Saints, given to hospitality, bless them that persecute you, bless and do not curse, rejoice with them they rejoice, weep with them that weep, be of the same mind towards one another…to summarize verse 21…be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good deeds…
Jesus said bless your enemies…pray they might find repentance before God…before it's everlastingly to late…or they be sentenced to hell forever. Pray for your neighbor…pray for your husband…pray for your wife…You can't do anything but pray for them and set a good example…our source has to be Jesus the Christ of Nazareth…He is the only source we can receive from…He wants to be first place in our lives…He has to rule our hearts not just be in it…He has to be the decision that makes all of our decisions…He is my Truth…He is My Life…He is my Way…His forevermore…Amen.
