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3 Ways to Grow Closer to God...a closer walk with God...

Ben Stewart

The man that walks with God always gets to His destination…a closer walk with God...

There are only three ways I know to grow closer to God in a daily walk or routine. One is a daily devotional where faith is created by study of the words from God (Rom 10:17), one is a daily praise in song, and the last is a earnest prayer life. In all my ways, these are the only ways I know a man can be said to say he blessed God.

Can God sing to Himself? Can God pray Himself? Can God teach Himself? Who can teach the Creator…we must humble accept Him and seek the source from Whom all truth exists and consists…Jesus the Christ of Nazareth (Act 22:7-8). God is not a what but a WHO…The Great I Am of All that Is! He is the I Am of what IS!

May God grant us repentance and mercy, grace, peace, joy, love, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, insight, and a sound mind, and remove every hinderance to the obedience of the truth, we renounce anything unholy, and pray for forgiveness of our selves and others, in Jesus of Nazareth’s name amen.



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