Do you want to know what Jesus says about being a husband…
1. In today’s society there is problems with morality, spirituality, roles, and respect for authority. The problems we are facing in America stem from the family. If we strengthen the family in these areas, then our society in due time will heal itself.
2. The roles of the family in America have been transparent as of the last few years and possibly decades. In this lesson I intend to try to define the role of the marriage for a Christian Husband… In this lesson I am going to speak on the role of the husband, father, or man. I am indebted to Leroy Brownlow and will be using his material for my foundation of this series and this lesson.
3. The roles of fathers and dad are extremely important in a family. The dads are the ones who God expects to be the authority, to love their wives and children, to take care of their families, and make the living. The husband is the man and is considered by God to be head of the household.
I. Head of the Household
A. Everything has a head or source
1. The body of any human has a head.
a. The head is the central part of the body.
b. The body cannot be sustained without the head nor the head without the body
c. The head is the authority in that it tells the rest what to do.
d. No institution can survive without a head: Can you imagine going to work and there be no one to work under. We would never get anything accomplished.
2. The head of America is the government
3. The head of the government is the president
4. The head of a school is the principal
5. Even the rivers and streams have a head or source
B. The Head of the Church
1. Jesus is the head of the church of Christ (1 Cor 11:3; Eph 1:22, 4:15, 5:23; Col 1:18, 2:10-19)
2. Jesus has the all authority concerning the Church. (Eph 1:22)
3. He has first place or the preeminence i.e. the highest rank (Col 1:18)
4. Through the head all the body is supplied and knit together (Col 2:19)
C. The Head of man
1. Christ is the head of man (1 Cor 11:3; Eph 5:23)
2. God is also the head of Christ (1 Cor 11:3)
D. The head of woman
1. The man is the head of the woman (Eph 5:23)
2. This is part of the punishment God gave the women due to the sin in the garden (Gen 3:16)
3. It was a threefold punishment: 1. The man was to have rule over her, 2. She was to have her husband as her desire, 3. To have pain in child birth
4. It should be said that the woman was not taken out of the man’s head to have authority over him, or taken from his feet that he may trample her under him, but from his side that they may rule together.
5. The problem occurs in a household when the two parties do not agree as to the end action or result. So the man has the final say so in the matters regarding the home.
6. The man is not a miser, or a tyrant but is like the president of the U.S.A. He has the final veto ability or the final say so.
II. Love the family
A. Love the wife
1. Love your wife as Christ loved you (Eph 5:25)
a. That is a tough call, what was there that Jesus was not willing to do for you and I?
b. Jesus did not seek to be the ruler over everybody, even though he was.
c. Jesus looked out for the best interest of those whom he was around.
d. Jesus was more concerned for people and their souls than he was there physical health.
e. Jesus put his neck out on the line for you and I, in other words he loved us so much that he was willing to be judged by hypocrites, to be called a sinner when he was not, to be mocked in a mocked trial, to suffer humiliation, to suffer a scourging, mocking of his true position and nature, to have nails driven in his hands and feet, he was crucified, and he bore our punishment for our sins.
f. In other words, Jesus loved us in every way and we also need to initiate, imitate, and involve ourselves in that kind of love in our relationships with our wives.
2. Love our wife and be not bitter towards them (Col 3:19)
a. Not to be bitter towards our wives is to say do not irritate them.
b. Immature people irritate others; as with a little brother that irritates his siblings.
c. Immature people try to provoke attention or love in the wrong ways, they try to tease or make their companion into doing their will.
d. Those who love their wives, when they ask something from their wives will receive it.
e. They receive it because of the love we as men have shown them our wives. This is similar to Jesus, “We love him because he first loved us” 1 John 4:19
f. If we provoke our wives into doing our will then they will indeed be bitter. The best way is to love them as yourself. I use this phrase in evangelism: “People do not care what you know until they see that you care”. The wife that never experiences selfless love from their husband will soon wonder why she ever married him.
3. Love the greatest gift (1 Cor 13:4-7)
a. It has been said that for love a man will do anything. In songs we hear of men that will swim the sea, climb the highest mountain; the idea is that if we love something nothing we can do is to great. The same can be said of the woman, that she also will do anything for love.
b. Love does not seek its own: Each party has to be seeking after love. A lot of times it is about compromise and not my way. We each give a little and we each take a little.
B. Love the children
1. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4)
a. Nurture – The training of a child, including instruction.
b. Admonition – A putting in mind. As in putting God’s instruction into their minds.
2. The training of a child
a. Example- Often times children will walk were their fathers or parents have walked
b. Putting to practice what we preach or teach. The phrase “if you talk the talk then you got to walk the walk” is of great significance when making the instruction real and practical to a child.
c. The phrase, “do what as I say and not as I do” will never work in enforcing a truth that you have taught or described to them. The children will do as you do.
d. Training involves more than just instruction but making practical application.
e. It involves more than just how to get to Heaven but is a whole and complete instruction that prepares the children for their adult lives. The object of parenting is to work yourself out of a job.
3. Provoke not the children unto anger lest they be discouraged (Col 3:21)
a. Dads are not to be people that hand out heavy burdens of work and toil.
b. Dads are not to load down the children with more than is necessary. A child is a child.
c. If our Christian dad makes our life miserable by causing unnecessary grief then any child will be discouraged from the faith. In other words the dad is not to ask something unreasonable from the children. He is the head of the house but he cannot ask something unreasonable from either the mom or the children.
d. Dads are most of the time how we picture God. If our dad was loving then we see God as loving, if our dad was a policeman then we see God as a policeman, and if our dad was always busy, then we see God as some important Being that is to busy to handle our mediocre problems here on earth.
e. We are to encourage the children; we are the closest person they will see to God until they get old enough to read and understand, or until they get to Heaven.
III. Making the living
A. We need to provide for our own (1 Tim 5:8)
1. Who is our own?
a. Those who would be considered under our care.
b. Relatives that depend on us for health, food, and any other support.
c. In most cases, it would involve those who are living under your roof or in your household.
d. In some cases, our widow relatives, would need our assistance and care. Because of this necessity and our relationship to them this responsibility would be ours to fulfill.
2. What kind of provisions should be provided?
a. Certainly the necessities of life (food, water, clothes, etc)
b. Foresight or thinking ahead: We know that if our wife is pregnant then we will have two mouths to feed or if our moms are getting feeble they will need extra attention. So we can plan ahead to meet those upcoming needs. “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
c. God thinks ahead for us, he knows that the population of the world is going to be and provides us with animals, plants, and water for everyone to have. He also sees the needs of our upcoming spiritual struggles and can prepare us for those battles.
d. All provisions should be relevant and needed.
B. Neglect is denial of the Christian religion
1. Denied the faith
a. The person who through neglect by way of drunkenness, laziness, drugs, fails to provide for those in his family is in a serious boat headed for a waterfall of destruction.
b. Peter denied the faith in a verbal way
c. The Christian can deny the faith by neglecting to fulfill his roles in life.
d. “Faith without works is dead” James 2:17
e. We may go to church and be active in looking religious but if we are not providing for our own families we are denying the faith of Jesus Christ
2. Worst than an infidel
a. An infidel is a person who does not believe in Jesus.
b. Most people who are not believers in God practice the principles of providing for their own.
c. The Christian is called to higher way of life so that he is to exceed the virtues of those who have no faith at all.
1. The man is not better than the woman or the children. The man is given a responsibility to God to fulfill. Each person in a family have certain roles to fulfill for it to function in the way God planned and ordained. The woman has her role to fill; the children have their roles to fill, and the man his.
2. The man is to be the head of the household. A job that has no boss will become a place of neglect; a government that has not authority will not last. God’s plan involves a person of authority in all things. In the family that authority is indeed the man.
3. The man is to love his wife and his children. The man is not to be a tyrant barking out orders to be obeyed but is to lovingly lead the family into a closer relationship with God. A wife and children will do anything within reason when they know the man of the house is asking them to do something.
4. The man is to provide for his own kindred. He is to be the one who is responsible to take care of those placed in or under his care. This would involve widows, children, moms, dads, wives, etc. Those to whom he considers his own.
5. The man is not to ask anything unreasonable of his wife or his children. He is to respect them, he is to love them as Jesus loves us, and Jesus was willing to give His life for all. The ideal relationship between a husband and wife should imitate or reflect the relationship of Jesus and His church. It is a relationship of love, unity, closeness, and oneness.
Father help us to be faithful to the role we have been called into so we can know the truth when revealed and do right by You…In Jesus of Nazareth’s name amen.
Try…A…Daily Pause for Prayer and Devotional a Wellsaid Christian Devotional about the teachings of Jesus…
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