1. Prayer is a large subject and yet simple. Prayer defined would be communication between man and God. When we read the Bible that is when God speaks to us and when we pray that is when we speak to God. Prayer is one of the most valuable gifts God has given man. The Gospel is the power to save and change the lives of men, women and children. Prayer is the power to change the mind of God. Dan Gilbret has said that prayer moves the hand that moves the universe.
2. Some may ask why should I pray? God knows everything he even knows what I am thinking? Well this may be true that God knows everything, but He wants us to pray so that we can create a desire and dependence on Him for the things we want in this life. Prayer is extremely important in the lives of Christians.
3. Christians that do not pray are like fish that do not swim, or like humans that do not breathe. Prayer is that important. As Christians we can not survive without it. It is through prayer that we are able to ask God to forgive us of our wrongs, it is through prayer that we are able to ask God to provide our food, or help in anything. Prayer is expressing our hearts desire to God. Prayer should by used in our everyday life if we are following Jesus.
I. Why Pray?
A. Jesus Set The Example
1. After being baptized Jesus prayed (Luke 3:21)
2. Before selecting the 12 Apostles Jesus prayed all night (Luke 6:12)
a. The example is when facing a very big decision Jesus prayed all night
b. The 12 Apostles he was about to chose would be the ones who established Jesus’ Church after he had been resurrected and was seated at the right hand of God.
c. These 12 would be some of the most influential and important men of all time
d. Jesus prayed all night before making the extremely difficult decision on the 12 Apostles
e. How much should we pray when facing difficult decisions? You can never pray too much about extremely important issues.
3. Jesus spent time alone with His Heavenly Father in prayer (Mat 14:23)
a. If we never spend time in prayer with our Heavenly Father we will not grow closer to Him.
b. Jesus had been busy teaching all of those people and then he took some alone time for himself so He could “talk” to God.
c. A regular private devotion with God everyday will bring us to a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father.
d. Devotional should include at least one of the following: singing to God, reading His Word (the Bible), and praying.
4. Jesus because of all the people following Him rose up early before anyone else and went off by himself and prayed (Mark 1:35)
a. Jesus sacrificed some of his sleep in order to draw closer to God.
b. Jesus must have considered being alone with God an Important part of His life
c. How much should we consider praying to our Father in Heaven important?
B. The Disciples Prayed Much
1. The Apostles taught Christians they should pray
a. After the church was established in Acts chapter 2, the disciples or followers of Jesus continued in the Apostles teaching which included prayer (Acts 2:41-42)
b. It has been said that there was nothing that the early Christians did not pray about
c. If it is important to you then it will be important to our Heavenly Father
d. God wants us to be happy but He will not hear us unless we are following Him or obeying Him.
2. The Different Churches were told to pray
a. The Church at Rome (Rom 12:12)
b. The Church at Corinth (1 Cor 7:5)
c. The Church at Ephesus (Eph 6:18)
d. The Church at Thessonalica (1 Thes 5:17-18)
e. These are only a few examples
II. Conditions of Answered Prayer
A. God always hears prayer
1. He always gives us an answer
a. Could be a no
b. Could be a yes
c. Could be later
d. You are not ready for this blessing right now.
2. He hears his children’s prayers
a. Be righteous: “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and His ears are open to their prayers” (1 Pet 3:12), so we must be righteous in God’s eyes in order to have our prayers answered. Being in Christ makes us so. If you walk with Jesus according to His word then you are said to be righteous or justified. Another way to say it is “just-as-if-I’d- not sinned.
b. Your mom and dad will hear you because you are one of their children. The same is true with God. He knows those that are His and He listens to them so He can take care of them and bless them.
B. How do you get God to answer your prayer?
1. Be obedient children: “and whatsoever we ask we receive of him because we keep his commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight” (1 John 3:22). If we are doing what God wants us to do then He is more willing to answer our prayers.
a. It is like your dad our mom, if you have been bad or been misbehaving and you ask you mom or dad to go skating then you know they will say no. However if you have been good and done what they asked you to do, then you know they will carry you.
2. Ask in faith: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.(Jam 1:5-8)
a. If we ask something from God and do not believe that He will give it to us do you think He will? We are to ask in faith.
b. Faith can be defined as a strong conviction. If we truly know that God is good and He wants to make us happy then that conviction will cause us to believe that He will give us what we ask from Him.
c. Heb 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please God, he that comes to God must believe that He exists and He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.”
d. If you do not believe that God is real then it will be impossible to receive anything from Him.
3. Have the Right Motives: “Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war; yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. (Jam 4:2-3)
a. You do not have because you do not ask. If you never pray to God for things in your life then He will never give you the desires of your heart.
b. However if you are asking for stuff that you want that has no purpose whatsoever then He is not likely to give it to you.
c. In a conversation with man God is asked, “God how long is a million years to you?” He answers, “It is like 1 second’. The man then asks, “How much is a million dollars to you?” God answers, “It is like 1 penny.” The man then asks, “Well God can I have a penny?” God answers, “In just one second”.
d. God may not give you a million dollars so you can be rich, but if you asked for a million dollars to build a homeless shelter them He would have reason to give it to you.
4. Pray in Jesus’ Name
a. Jesus said, “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:13-15)
b. What does it mean to ask something in Jesus name?
c. If I was a policeman and I said stop in the name of the Law, then I would be saying stop because the law gives me the authority to make you stop. So in the same way to say in the name of Jesus, is another way of saying according to Jesus and His will or authority.
d. We can not pray in the name of men and please God; Jesus was not a man? He was and is God.
III. How do we pray in a way that pleases God? (Mat 6:5-15)
A. To be seen of men (Mat 6:5-8)
1. Not like a hypocrite (Mat 6:5)
a. The word for hypocrite gets its meaning from actors that put on a face or mask. It is to be someone who pretends to be something else. To act like a Christian, instead of being a Christian.
b. Standing in the street corners: The Jews Jesus was calling hypocrites were required to pray at certain times of the day. It was easy for then to be found at a busy street corner when it was time to pray. By doing so they could be heard by all those who were passing by.
c. Standing in the synagogues: Those religious leaders would also be sure to be in, or at the “church building” at these times so they could impress those that heard them pray to God.
d. They have their reward: Instead of praying to God, they were praying so they could impress the people that heard them. By doing so, Jesus said that is their reward. They get a reward by those that heard them saying man that guy sure knows how to pray, instead having the prayer heard and answered by God.
2. The Father sees in secret (Mat 6:6)
a. Enter into your closet: It was a custom for the Jewish people to have an upper room in which they could pray. Sometimes these rooms would be roofs, inner rooms, but usually was an upper room. It was a place where they could be alone with God and pray to Him alone. If you are in your bedroom alone and you pray to God, then whom are you trying to impress? God is the only one any of us should try to impress.
b. He will reward you openly: The hypocrites prayed outwardly so they could be heard and impress people. Jesus wants us to pray to God inwardly and impress Him. By praying only to God so He can hear our hearts desires then He will give us those things we ask for. By answering our prayers we are rewarded for all to see how God has blessed us.
3. Do not use vain repetitions.(Mat 6:7)
a. Vain repetitions: another word for vain is empty. The heathen are those who do not know God. In Jesus time they were people who would worship idols or man made objects. They would repeat their desires over and over again in order that their false god may hear what they were asking.
b. It could be like a poem. Sometimes a poem expresses a thought then repeats it another way in the following lines over and over only re-wording the theme. By repeating themselves over and over again they thought that they would be heard better by their false gods.
4. Your Father knows what you need before you ask (Mat 6:8)
a. Those that were heathens were praying to gods that were not real. Jesus draws a picture that is different for our God. Our God is so great that before we even ask He knows what we need. We do not need to repeat ourselves in our prayer to God. Our God is not deaf He knows what we need before we ask.
b. Why do we need to ask then? So we can create a dependence, desire, and faith in God for providing us with the things we need and want.
B. The Model Prayer (Mat 6:9-15)
1. The Benediction (Mat 6:9)
a. Our Father: Signifies a close relationship to all those that are praying with the one leading the prayer. Those that were hypocrites would cast insults to those that were not as pious or good as themselves. It also gives the idea of a family and not that of separation.
b. Which art in Heaven: Instead of being as one of the false gods, He was the one true God that created the Heavens as His dwelling place…Who lives there where we want to be one day.
c. Hallowed by thy name: Hallow means Holy, as in Holy is your name. Holy is a word that is used to separate the common things from the things of God. He is saying Your name and person is set apart in out hearts as Holy; or as above all other things. Your ways are higher and better than our ways.
2. Submission (Mat 6:10)
a. Thy kingdom come: Your kingdom is our desire. We want you to reign over all the earth and in our hearts and minds. Let all those who do not know you come to know in the same ways we know you as our God and King.
b. Thy will be done: You are the Creator of all that is and will be, You are the all-powerful. All knowing, all present God. Whatever you say may it be done in us and in the world that does not recognize you as their God and King.
c. In earth and in Heaven: In Heaven only those that love God are there. If we love God then we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). So all those in Heaven are seeking to please God. However we have been given free choice as humans to love and obey God or to reject and hate Him. So we are to pray that even as God’s will is carried out by those who dwell in Heaven may it be carried out by all that dwell in the earth below Heaven.
3. Necessities (Mat 6:11)
a. Give us our daily bread: By praying for the provision of food daily, we are taught a dependence on God for our life. This daily food helps keep us healthy and able to do God’s will. It could also be our spiritual food so we can grow in Christ as well as our physical food.
4. Forgive us as we have forgiven others (Mat 6:12)
a. God’s will is supreme and when we break His law it is far worse than hurting our friends’ feelings. So if we can not forgive our fellow man of these small things, then why would God forgive us of our sins against Him? Everyday each of us has to ask for forgiveness of something. None of us is perfect and anyone that says he has not sinned is a liar.
b. It took me a long time to figure out that being a Christian was not about being perfect. No matter how hard I tried, I always messed up somehow and I would beat myself up each time I did sin. Until one day I heard someone say that Christianity is not about being perfect but is about being faithful. No one can be perfect, but let each of us ask God to forgive us so that we can try to do better each time we sin.
5. Lead us not into temptation
a. God knows everything, and He can prevent certain circumstances from happening to keep us from being tempted. He has promised that “he will not tempt us above that which we are able and with the temptation will make a way of escape” 1 Cor 10:13. How many times though do you and I look for the door that leads away from the temptation?
b. He can allow circumstances to happen to build our characters, but it will not allow circumstances that are to great for us. Jesus was saying we should pray to be lead away from such temptations that could make us fall away from God.
6. Deliver us from evil
a. There are two types of evil. One is the devil and his angels a spiritual evil. The devil can cause us many heartaches and pains by being around us. The other type of evil would be calamities or physical evil caused by the devil. Things like earthquakes, tornadoes, house burning down, circumstances that would make our lives hard to live. He was saying to deliver us from the devil and all that could cause us harm.
7. Doxology (Mat 6:13)
a. For yours is the kingdom: No matter what men may do here on earth, your kingdom is still the greatest and the best. Everything belongs to You and Your sovereignty.
b. Thine is the power: Submitting to the power of God. God is all-powerful. He is self-sufficient. He does not need anything other than Himself to survive but we are His dependents. We depend on Him and His power for deliverance from evil and sin and every other thing we need.
c. The Glory: God is Glory. In other words there is nothing greater than God is. We may see a fireworks display and think that is glorious, but to see God would make a fireworks display look like a handclap. God is the Glory, we look at the stars and think they are glorious when God is the one that: thought of them out of nothing, made them, weighed them, placed them in there places, and set a time for them to last.
C. Forgive or forget about being forgiven (Mat 6:14-15)
1. Forgiveness is required to be forgiven
a. If we are willing to forgive our fellow man the things he may have done us wrong in, then God will be willing to forgive us of our wrongs we have done to Him.
b. If we are intolerant of the sins or mistakes of our brothers and sisters then God will be intolerant of our mistakes and shortcomings.
c. Jesus also said, “blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy” Mat 5:7
1. We have discussed a lot about prayer in this lesson. We know that in order to be a Christian we have to pray. Jesus taught his disciples to pray He prayed himself. His disciples taught us to pray. They even told the churches they established to pray. For a Christian prayer is a must.
2. In order to have our prayers answered we have to be one of God’s children and live like He wants us to. We must ask our prayers in faith knowing that God hears us and will do what is best for us. We must have the right motives when we pray seeking God and His will for us. We also must pray in Jesus name, meaning according to Jesus’ will or authority as God.
3. We are not to pray in order to be seen of men. Men who are asked to lead prayer in worship sometimes may fall into this trap. A quick way to check the heart is to ask one’s self, “Am I praying for prayer’s sake or am I praying for my sin and theirs?” It is out of a sincere desire that one must pray; we are not to pray in order to receive prestige, or to be patted on the back by our fellow man as a man that can pray. We are to lead God’s people in a prayer that will be heard by God and not by our fellow men.
4. We have gone through the model prayer which is so simple and complete. May we all keep the spirit of prayer alive in our lives. You can pray to God at anytime and anywhere. You can even be in a conversation and being praying to God as to what to say next. Pray is vital to the Christian. Christians can not be Christians without prayer.
Father…please hear our prayers concerning forgiveness, reconciliation and repentance…In Jesus of Nazareth’s name amen.
Try…A…Daily Pause for Prayer and Devotional a Wellsaid Christian Devotional about the teachings of Jesus…
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