Wives…are you a help meet to your husband or a help eat you out of house and home…
1. This lesson I will be talking on the roles of a wife in marriage. However, the Bible does speak on this subject. I will venture to try to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.
2. In the center of the moral fabric today is the family. There is no greater institution other than the church that has been created by God. The institution of marriage had been around since the sixth day of creation and will continue to be around until the Lord comes.
3. There cannot be a marriage without a wife. Marriage is between male and female. The wife was created to be with man. God seen that Adam was lonely and made him a helpmeet. In today’s lesson I will talk of the roles of: 1 being a helper to man. 2 being submissive to her husband. 3 Her ability to bear children. 4. Keep the home
I. Helper of man
A. The woman is the suitable and co-worker with man
1. In Gen 2:18-24, God seen it was not good for man to be alone and created a help met for him.
a. He did not make her as he did the animals, fish, or birds out of the ground.
b. He did something today science is just know beginning to understand, he genetically engineered the woman from man.
c. He put Adam into a deep sleep, (Anastasia). Took the rib (surgery). Made woman from it (took Adam’s genes and altered them to form woman)
d. Then God brought her to Adam
e. Adam pronounced a prophecy that man would cleave to his wife.
2. God has equipped the woman to serve as the comrade of man
a. If it were not for the wife man would have no beauty, charm, or social graces.
b. When the woman is helping her man, then she finds within this sphere her greatest usefulness, beauty, and charm.
c. It has been said, “that God did not take Eve from Adam’s head so she could rule over him, nor did He take her from his feet that He may trample upon her. God took the woman from his side that she might be his companion and helper throughout life.”
B. God Knew what was in man
1. God did not realize after he made man that he was lonely. He knew he would be and had already decided what he would do.
2. He made man to be a social creature.
a. Man is empty inside unless he is in communion with God
b. God knowing that this new social creature needed someone to talk to and share his burdens with, created woman to be his lifelong companion.
c. It is the martial relationship that the woman and her abilities complement the man and his. Her intelligence, ability, warmth, help, and love keep the man happy.
II. The wife is commanded to be submissive
A. God’s command
1. Eph 5:22 “wives be in subjection unto your own husbands as into the Lord”
2. Sarah, Abraham’s wife was an example: “For after this manner aforetime the holy women also, who hoped in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection to their husbands: as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord whose children you now are, if you do well and are not put in fear by any terror” 1 Peter 3:5-6
3. God has decided to make man at the head of the woman and Christ at the head of man.
B. The Woman is not inferior
1. Because God has made man the head of the woman does not mean she has inferior intellect.
2. God is God and we are not. We must do what He says in order to please Jesus.
3. It is best for this to be this way due to the fact that a woman with her femine and tender qualities is not as endowed for rulership as a man is.
C. Christianity is designed to elevate the wife
1. In the 1st century, the women were considered like possessions. Even in some countries and cultures the woman is considered lower than cows, or farm animals. As in they would trade their daughters for horses, cattle, or another type of animal
2. In Christianity, it is found to elevate the woman above that of a possession to an equal to man.
a. Even thought they may be equal each has to play his or her role in order to please God
b. Man, by the fact that he was first created; that the woman was taken from him; that he is better qualified for ruling than she is, is evidently designed to be at the head of the little community that constitutes a family.- Albert Barnes
c. In many other things, woman may be his equal; in loveliness, and grace, and beauty, and tenderness, and gentleness, she is far his superior; but these are not the qualities adapted for government.- Albert Barnes
III. Bear Children
A. God ordained that the woman would be the mother of the family.
1. When Eve was created Adam called her, “Eve because she was the mother of all living” Gen 3:15
2. Paul said. “I desire that therefore younger woman marry bear children rule the household, give no occasion to the adversary for reviling” 1 Tim 5: 14.
3. Paul again says, “but she shall be saved through her child bearing, if they continue in faith and love and sanctification and sobriety” 1 Tim 2:15
B. The greatness of motherhood
1. Having children does not make a mother
a. There are many women who have children who are being raised by real mothers.
b. The women that disown there children are not the moms of children, it is the women who nurture, provide, sacrifice, and love are the true mother even though they may not be the one who birthed you.
2. The woman who chooses to become a wife and mother should be considered worthy.
a. Motherhood may not have the glory that some other careers have but it is an honored profession. It takes a real woman to stay and raise children. Instead of giving that responsibility to someone else to do.
b. This is the greatest profession of all being a wife and a mother
3. Famous quotes on mothers:
a. “All that I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother” Abraham Lincoln.
b. “The mother’s heart is the child schoolroom” Henry Ward Beecher
c. “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” John Gray
d. “Youth fades, love droops, the leaves of friendship fall, a mother’s secret love outlives them all” Oliver Wendell Holmes
e. “The bravest battle that ever was fought
Shall I tell you where and when?
On the maps of the world you will find it not
It was fought by the mothers of men
4. Women have a great influence over man as he grows up, as he matures, and as his wife.
IV. Keep The Home
A. Domestic Duties of the Wife
1. The older women are to train the younger.
a. Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. (Tit 2:3-5)
2. The woman and her femine qualities have equipped her for homemaking
a. The touch of a mother’s hand gives strength even to those that are dying
b. The touch of a woman’s hand heals man and his wounds
c. The touch of a woman’s hand can transform rickety shack into a palace. It takes more than nails, wood, brick and mortar to make a home. A home is held together by love.
d. The wife creates an atmosphere of love, happiness, friendliness, cheerfulness, and cooperation.
B. Solomon and his description of a excellent wife (Proverbs 31)
1. Worthy of her husband’s trust (11)
2. Loyal to her husband (12)
a. She is loyal in such a way that she will see to it that there is always enough
b. She seeks to do him good all the days of her life
c. She does not provoke him to kill himself to make enough money so she can spend it all.
3. Industrious rather than indolent. Busy instead of lazy. (13-19)
a. She takes what she has and increases the riches of the household
b. She takes the wool from her own flock and makes garments
c. She takes flax from her won fields and makes linen
4. Takes care of the domestic needs of the family (15, 21)
a. She is an economist of time. Using wisely time so that she can be of use to her family and husband.
5. Is Charitable (20)
a. She knows that you reap what you sow. If you have increase in material wealth then give some back and God repays what you give to the poor.
6. Adorns herself properly (22)
a. Does not wear clothes that will draw men attention.
b. Wears clothes that are respectable and not trashy
c. Knows her true beauty is inside and not in clothes
7. Adds respectability to her husband (23)
a. She does not cause him to hang his head in shame due to her dress or actions
b. The husband is pleased to have her by his side anywhere they go
8. Economical rather than extravagant (24, 16)
a. She does not waste time or money on things that are worthless or unprofitable
9. Dress up the inward man (25)
a. She knows that circumstances can destroy a house and is stronger than the temporal circumstances of the affliction that they will endure
b. She prepares for the future laughing at circumstances she has prepared for.
10. Opens her mouth with wisdom (26)
a. She has not neglected her mental faculties and is able to share her intellect with her family and possibly others.
11. The law of kindness is on her tongue (26)
a. She knows how to be sweet in speech and uplift the down trodden.
b. Her husband comes home all beat up from the toils of the day and she begins to speak and his worries fade away and takes comfort in his wonderfully faithful wife.
c. She does not spend time slandering others
12. Takes care of all that behave themselves well (27)
a. Adam Clarke says, “She is a moral manager: she takes care that all shall behave themselves well; that none of them shall keep bad company or contract vicious habits.”
b. She can instruct them in religion, as well as she can teach them in their labor. In her house, diligence in business, and fervency of spirit, serving the Lord, go hand in hand.
13. Buy rather than idle (27)
a. She is one who knows the value of work
b. Idleness is a way to get vices, after all an idle mind is the devil’s workshop
14. Has the resect and gratitude of her children and husband (28-29)
a. Her moral character is not that of hypocrisy but the people that see her day in and out respect her for devout sense of piety or faithfulness to Jesus.
b. Due to her lack of slothfulness she is praised in gratitude by her children and her husband.
15. Fears Jehovah (30)
a. Due to her reverence for God she does all these things
b. She does them for the respect of God and the role He has designed her to play
16. Her works praise her (31)
a. The works of her hands tell the story of her character
b. She leaves a memorial behind in her children and husband’s character for all to praise.
1. The woman and her roles are extremely important and worthy in any man’s eye. The woman is able to have her husband full and complete trust is a woman that is worthy. The woman is a helper to man and the man a helper of woman. It is a relationship of give and take.
2. The woman is to be submissive to her husband, but the husband is not to ask anything unreasonable or unscriptural from her. Her first loyalty is to God then to her husband. She after all is the neck that turns the head.
3. Without women there would be no man. The woman is the mother of all living. She is the one who bears the children and nourishes and provides for their needs. The woman has a great influence on the development of a child as he grows up into maturity
4. The woman is a keeper of the home. She is the one who looks after the children and her husband. The virtuous woman is able to provide a better way of life for he children, husband, and future. She is trustworthy in all things that pertain to the household. She is the delight of her husband and her children and they are thankful to God for such a woman as she is. Her character is so pure that it rubs off on her husband and her children and helps them become more godly.
Father help us to be faithful with the roles You have planned and purposed in us for You and Your Son Jesus and please meet our soul’s deepest needs heal our soul’s deepest wounds and may we prosper and be in health as our soul prospers in Jesus of Nazareth’s name amen.
Try…A…Daily Pause for Prayer and Devotional a Wellsaid Christian Devotional about the teachings of Jesus… https://www.anopenbiblestudy.com/blog-by-ben-the-friend...
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