Hey America all you strong, brave, and free
Be kind to your neighbors who are in need
There are many mouths to feed
So be kind to each other helping those in need
All you husbands love your wives
Treat them like your own soul
Hey son, listen to your mom and dad
Always choose good and not bad
Hey America all you strong, brave, and free
Be kind to your neighbors who are in need
There are many mouths to feed
So be kind to each other helping those in need
Wives respect your husbands and guide your children well
Teach your kids to fear God and Hell
Reach out to your neighbors and help the sick
Teach your kids how (doing evil makes you sick)
Hey America all you strong, brave, and free
Be kind to your neighbors who are in need
There are many mouths to feed
So be kind to each other helping those in need
Have we forgotten it is wrong to do bad
All this evil being called good makes me sad
Can you practice the truth just for a day?
Look up to the heavens and you will find
Jesus is waiting and seeking you will find
America abide in the truth and stay
Hey America all you strong, brave, and free
Be kind to your neighbors who are in need
There are many mouths to feed
So be kind to each other helping those in need
Written and Copyrighted by: Ben Stewart